Sunday, August 14, 2005

my use of the blog -- no apologies

Something I read in a friend's blog a while back got me to thinking.... He mentioned how the writing of his blog was taking up more time than he wanted; how his blog was a rather carefully crafted, rewritten blog. No wonder I enjoyed reading it so much! And I wondered if most blogs were that way.

It would make sense, I suppose. These are published words, posted where anyone in the world could view them, if desired.

I take a very different view on my blog (in case you couldn't notice).

My blog tends to be straight off the cuff. Sometimes I don't even proofread them.

For me, the purpose of this blog is the challenge to sit down and write every day; to come up with a topic and to follow through on it.

Should I ever come up with anything really worthwhile, I may try to rework it for another source, but truth is, I have another (non-public) blog for those specific kinds of writing.

Sometimes here I'll speak rather rashly (thanks, Mo, for remembering!) and many times I'll make some spelling/grammatical/English-teacher-wince type errors (yeah, thanks Kootch), and I don't mind having them pointed out, but for me, the challenge is in this first draft.

I've only missed a couple of days since I began this, so for me, this little experiment is going pretty well.

1 comment:

Kootch said...

"(yeah, thanks Kootch)"

no problem.