Wednesday, August 17, 2005

witty is as witty does

I took one of my sons fishing the other day. For me, a chance to spend some one-on-one time with my son. For him, a chance to go fishing.

Although I am the last person in the world to give fishing advice (okay, maybe Kootch is the last), I couldn't help but offer advice to my son while he was trying to snag some sunfish.

"You have to jerk your rod a little, help that hook stick in to the fish's mouth!" In his excitement he would either jerk the hook completely out of the water or just start reeling.

On and on I went, "Jerk the rod. Just a little jerk to the left like that. You need to give it a jerk." (Obviously I only know one bit of advice. I'm sure it's the same bit my dad gave me on the two or three times he took me fishing.)

Finally, after one more bit of advice offering..."Listen, you really have to jerk your pole to snag that fish."

He said, "Okay, Dad. Don't be a jerk. I get it. I just get excited."

I probably should have been mad, but instead I laughed. He looked at me, wondering what was so funny. "'Don't be a jerk'?" I said. "Yeah. get it? 'Jerk' the pole, don't be a jerk?"

Yeah, I got it. But how great to hear this boy who only just turned eight, already able to understand and use puns.

I may not be able to teach this child how to fish, but I can teach him the power and fun of words!

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