Saturday, August 20, 2005


We'll deviate from literature to dodgeball. I just finished watching "Extreme Dodgeball" on some channel I not only didn't know I had, but couldn't tell you what it is.

I know that the movie helped spur some fascination to this, but I believe the movie came about because there are indeed dodgeball tournaments for adults.

Who ever would have guessed that the dreaded gym class sport, where the jocks got to whip a ball as hard as they could at the nerds, would become a televised, adult sport. "Extreme" no less!

Certainly this is a sport for the nerds. The jocks are either in pro sports where they can express their jock-ness or way too out of shape. The nerds, still wirey and having grown up learning how to avoid getting hit by that pocked, rubber ball now rule.

The game I watched, between Philadelphia something and the New York "Bling" actually went in to overtime. The best part came after the game when they were interviewing the nerd from the Bling who threw the wicked sidearm to get his last opponent out. "How does it feel, having won this?" he was asked.

"This is freakin' great. Pardon my French," he replied.

1 comment:

Lover of Words, Books, Games, Theatre, Film, Art said...

Yes, I think he is. He fairly obviously has no time for anyone who is not athletic. I believe he actually sneered at me tonight when we played a football game -- Dad's of eight and nine year olds against members of the high school football team. Along with many of the other dads who were all joking about how lopsided the game was turning out, despite out-numbering the high school boys by more than 2 - 1, I made the comment, "Now I know why athletes retire before they get to be my age." The jerk was the only one who heard. I think he started to react favorably, saw who made the comment, wrinkled up his nose and shook his head.