Tuesday, August 30, 2005


One of my new hobbies is woodcarving. My grandfather was an excellent wood-carver and for nearly as long as I can remember, I've wanted to carve, too. I still have the pocket jack-knife my grandfather gave me, along with a carving he'd started and he told me to go to work on it. I did, and ruined it completely.

About ten years ago, my wife, knowing of my desire to carve, gave me a set of carving tools. I picked up some wood, some books about carving, and got totally frustrated at my lack of ability.

Finally, about two years ago, a carving class was offered in my new town, and at my wife's encouragement, I signed up for the class. There I learned that my earlier problem was not that I couldn't carve, but that I had dull tools. I enjoyed the class completely, and now carve whenever I get the chance.

In Fairbault, MN is a two-day festival of woodcarving (aptly titled Carv-Fest). Last year was their first year, which I also attended. I took one, two-hour class on Scandinavian flat-plane carving, and actually had my two oldest children signed up for a class on relief carving, which they both enjoyed.

I had a very nice conversation with one of the top carvers in the country, Ivan Whillock, who grew up in Trempealeau, WI and attended Winona State University, graduating with a degree in English.

I didn't spend too much money at the Carv-Fest this year... one new tool, three books, and two pieces of wood -- one just because it looked nice, and one for a project I plan to do for my daughter.

It was a very nice way to wind down the vacation.


Kootch said...

Does anyone else find it ironic that one of the top woodcarvers in the country was an English major? (Insert Garrison Keillor joke here.)

Lover of Words, Books, Games, Theatre, Film, Art said...

Strange perhaps, but I don't see any irony.

Kootch said...

"Ironic" was not the right word. Perhaps "expected." "Typical"? My point, of course, being that an English major is relatively useless in the "real" world.