Sunday, May 22, 2005

old people like to act, too

One of the publishers of my plays has a very nice website which allows anyone to view where and when any particular play in their catalog has been (or will be) produced. I think that this is a great idea because it allows schools to make sure they won't be competing against other schools with the same play. (Yes, my publisher caters primarily to the educational market.)

I like to check in periodically to see who is doing my plays. I'm often quite surprised by the places that have decided to produce my plays. Among my favorites are a correctional facility and a school for the deaf. (I wish I had known about the school for the deaf BEFORE they performed as they were within driving distance and I would have loved to see how they handled some of the issues -- and it is because I missed this that I check on my scripts more regularly now.)

But one of the most recent listings is a Senior Citizen's Home in South Dakota.

A Senior Citizen's Home?

Why not? It never would have occurred to me but when I think about it, it's a great idea, and of course the script they chose is perfect. It's short and clever and funny and has fantastic characters that are perfect for senior citizens. Just because someone is "old" and in a "home" doesn't mean they have no spark. Those who have been interested in the arts don't give up that interest just because they get old -- gads, I hope not! This is yet another outlet that I never would have considered, but certainly shouldn't be ignored.

By the way, you can check out my publisher's website by clicking the link here, or over on the left of this page.


Anonymous said...


Were you ever able to find out anything about the deaf performance of your play and how it might have been adapted?

Lover of Words, Books, Games, Theatre, Film, Art said...

No. It was done in Fairbault, at the school for the deaf. I check their web site to see if they had any photos or anything, but didn't see anything. I found out about the production probably two weeks after it was done.

Part of me wants to write and ask if they have a video of the show, but another part of me wonders if that isn't a little cheesy.

However...and I mentioned this to Kootch once...sometimes I google the titles of my plays, and I came across a school that had done this same play, and they had photos on their web site. But strangely enough, they added a character (according to the captions under the photos). In the play, the characters gather around the grave of a recently dead friend...they don't really know each other, the deceased boy was their common seems that at this particular school, the dead boy makes an appearance (at least judgin by the photos from the play.