Saturday, May 21, 2005

beautiful dance

I attended the opening performance of iPaquita Paella!, a dance concert, last night. This is the concert for which I am listed as sound designer. As it turns out, a crew person didn't show up, and I stepped in to help backstage. I love hanging around the backstage of a theatre. I feel very at home on a stage.

As I watched the Corps de Ballet from the wings, I was impressed with the grace and beauty that these young ladies displayed. And while I admit that I've never been a big ballet fan, I think that I enjoyed the ballet portion of the show (Act I) much more than the modern portion (Act II).

But what struck me the most as I watched from backstage, was the dichotomy of these girls. On-stage they were elegant and beautiful. Backstage, they would stretch in some of the most non-glamorous ways. "Squatting in the woods" is the expression that comes to mind.

I've seen these girls stretch and warm-up before -- I work in the building where they take classes and rehearse -- but I don't think I'd ever seen the combination of their warm-up routine and the dance at the same time as I did last night. It reminds me that we all have our 'backstage' -- that portion we keep unseen from the public while we attempt to present our best, our beautiful dance.

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