Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Scary stuff this blogging

Scary stuff this blogging. So many decisions to make before I even begin, and at each template I wonder, "Is this me? What does this say about me?"

I much prefer pen and paper -- grab the nearest college-ruled notebook or legal pad, a black-ink ball-point pen, and off I go. But...this seems to be the thing to do these days. 'Haven't got a blog? Guess you're nobody.'

I have to ask myself one main question -- what do I hope to accomplish with a blog? Mainly, to keep myself writing. I hope to reflect, remark, and reason with anyone who disagrees with me (hard to imagine, since I have all the answers). Only time will tell how well I keep up with this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Nice title, nice focus.

I've found that I compose most of my longer posts offline and often even in longhand, because of the pressure of composing online.

Who is this K? I aspire to be him.