Thursday, May 05, 2005

My friend 'K'

I have to admit that I've been nudged into this blog by my friend 'K.' K is a pal from my high school days. He's probably one of the smartest people I know, easily one of the most talented, and a hell of a nice guy. We don't see each other much these days ... we each have our own lives ... but if there's any writing to be read, I always want K to look at what I've done, and I always look forward to what he's written. Well, K, has his own blog ('Unprintable Version'), AND he is editing an on-line, printable magazine (Printable Version). This is great news because now I (and YOU) can check up on him daily. See the list of links to the left.

Now K didn't directly ask that I start a blog, I may not even tell him I'm doing this, but he had made an offer to a bunch of us (his old high school cronies) to get a group blog. It would cost a little more on his cool, pay-for blog site, but he was willing to do so if there was interest. Not surprisingly, there was very little committment from the gang. Most of that group could be described, at best, as 'content' -- happy with the way things are. At worst, they might be described as 'under-achievers' -- not looking ahead to something new or living up to their potential.

I'd rather be like K. I'd rather stretch myself, push myself into new things. Blogging is new. It's also slightly dangerous -- it's like writing a journal except that it's open to anyone -- and there's a slight exhibitionist/voyeuristic thrill to that.

Since I titled this particular blog after my friend K, let me say just a few more nice words about him: he's got a great laugh, he's read and commented on everything I've written and sent to him (even when it was complete and utter crap), he's a lot of fun to have at a poker game, and he's the kind of friend who would be at your doorstep if you called him up and said, "I'm moving and need some help" -- even if you haven't seen him in many years.

Now go read some of his stuff. The guy is good.

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