Sunday, July 24, 2005

home owner joy

While sitting in my favorite swivel chair on Friday night, watching my family play a boardgame, I started cursing at the kids. "Who left this water bottle lying on it's side!" I wanted to know. "My feet are soaking wet!" I declared.

The more I investigated, the more I realized that my wet feet couldn't have been a result of a spilled water bottled.

After much investigation, we discovered that the run-off hose from our central air conditioning unit was clogged and that a back-log of water found other ways out...mainly by running in to the carpeted family room.

We've purchased an expensive Shop-Vac, and may still need to replace some carpeting and pads.

What a frustration.

1 comment:

Kootch said...

The longer I am a homeowner, the more I miss renting.

K should have something to say about this.