Wednesday, July 13, 2005


It just amazes me that there are still so many new discoveries to make on this here planet. I'm totally amazed that there are things on this earth that are unknown to modern man...but capable of being known. Some bits of knowledge I've just assumed are lost forever, despite the hard work of archeologists.

I read today in an article that the quarry used for the stones at Stonehenge has finally been discovered. The Stonehenge quarry! That's kind of cool.

Of course the downside to this discovery is the obvious raping of the land at the quarry now to sell pieces of Stonehenge rock.

But that after these hundreds of years, someone could still make that discovery is fascinating. That people have been looking, is weird. That anyone really cares, is debatable.

Now what would be really interesting, and useful, is for someone to find out what happened to my missing socks in the laundry room!

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