Friday, July 15, 2005


Christ, but I'm getting old.

Yesterday I stopped in at the optomitrist's to pick up my reading glasses. Me! Reading glasses! I've never worn glasses in my life.

It really is only for reading, and the doc said that it was my choice. I didn't necessarily need them, but they would probably relieve my eyes somehwat when I read.

Actually, to brag a little bit, the doc said my eyes were quite good still, but now that I'm on the other side of 40, I'm going to notice things (like eyesight) starting to slide away.

Certainly I have no objection to wearing glasses, most everyone I know does, it the idea that I'm slowly falling apart.

I've also noticed a lot more aches and pains in my joints. Stiffness in the knees and back. I try to deny it. Blame it on a poor night's sleep. But I can read the signs. I'm just getting older.

Oh well. Not much we can do about it.

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