If you haven't played the electronic 20 Questions game, you're probably in the minority. A bundle of the little buggers made an appearance at a recent family gathering, and everyone from the 8 year old to my 85 year old father wanted a crack at beating the thing. Not many did.
Game manufactureres are never content with a simple toy and of course they keep making variations, and now there's a 20 Questions variation for the nerd in me! 20Q -- Star Trek-based questions!
One of the nicest things about the 20 Questions series is that there is an on-line version of most of the games, including this one. My understanding is that the game manufacturer WANTS you to play the on-line game because they can add information to their database based on your play.
I've played this Star Trek game three times (so far). It correctly guessed "quatloo" on the 20th guess. It guessed "fizzbin" correctly after only 17 guesses (and I could see it considering "fizzbin" as early as guess 13). I did finally beat it with a word that's pushing the boundaries of being a word..."kronk." For those of you who don't know what a 'kronk" is, it's the last card dealt in a game of fizzbin.
Ah...Star Trek obscurity.
Anyway, go have a play: http://www.20q.net/startrek/
That is unbelievable nerdy, but very cool. I'll have to check it out if I ever get a spare moment to play around on the internet.
The fact that it took you so long with such great words pretty much mans that I have no chance, but I may check it out any way.
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