Sunday, May 06, 2007

Summer fun.

The Great River Shakespeare Festival is under way with the arrival of staff and actors during the next week +. What it means for me is that the fun has begun and I finally know just how far behind I am in all things.

The season looks good ... As You Like It and Macbeth. Two plays that I am actually fairly familiar with and like a great deal. (I'd like to think that because I managed to have a voice in the choice of season and there were two others given serious consideration, that I managed to tip the scale this way.)

I hope that if anyone reading this blog (both of you) happens to be in S.E. Minnesota this summer that they will please come see a couple of shows. Should be fun.


Kootch said...

I'll be there. With bells on.

Actually, it's looking like I might be bringing a dozen or so students to Macbeth.

Anonymous said...

We had a great time last year and hoep to get to a performance this year.