Wednesday, July 26, 2006

ebooks and things

My eBay name and account has been restored, my computer is functioning with a new hard-drive, and I have re-loaded probably 75% of my programs on to this new, improved, lemon-scented (not really) machine. And with my work for the Great River Shakespeare Festival done for the season, and soon to talk about my place with the company next year, I finally feel I have a moment to sit and blog.

While weeding through my emails, I came across an interesting article about free e-book downloads. This only lasts until August 4 (for this great variety of ebooks, anyway), and I would encourage everyone to check it out: I still think that Project Gutenberg is a great idea, as long as we can avoid copyright issues!

What I missed the most while spending long hours at work, was reading. I didn't get any chances to read for pleasure and I missed it. To make up for lost time, I'm trying to read too much. A stop in the library the other day had me walking out with six books, all that looked really interesting (and of course there are the shelves and book cases full of my own, unread books). And so... I think I'll go and read.

Wyl, if you're reading this, I need the link to your blog(s) -- it was lost with the hard-drive crash.

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