Saturday, February 18, 2006

Reading Ionesco.

It has been a terribly long time since I sat down to read Eugene Ionesco simply for pleasure, and by God...I enjoy his writing!

I'm a bit of an Ionesco nerd, having read, researched, and writen about his plays, own copies of some of his hard-to-find children's books, and have a photo of him hanging on the wall next to this desk, so when I came across a collection of his short stories that I had not read, I was quite excited.

So far, I haven't been disappointed. His fiction is crisp (or that of the translator anyway), and the plots are absurd. I would expect nothing less.

I know that Ionesco is not for everyone (in fact, there are likely very few of us in the world who truly enjoy his work this much), but I find something very relaxing in the completely absurd world of Ionesco. Why is that? What is that? Is it simply nostalgia?

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