Tuesday, October 04, 2005

she's at it again -- revisited

Nearly a month ago I wrote about my sister-in-law, a nurse, who was off to Mississippi to help out in the hurricane-ravaged country.

I've since learned that she (and the other nurse who went with her) has been reprimanded by her boss, had the official reprimand placed in her file, and was told that she could lose her job. It seems that the hospital she works for didn't give her permission to take emergency leave because "it wasn't a personal emergency."

I'm of two minds about this....

If your employer says "no, you may not take off" and you do anyway, then you do so knowing that there may be consequences.

However, while the emergency may not have been personal, it was genuinely an emergency situation and the hospital really should have capitalized on the generosity of their own staff, who used personal time AND money to assist in a much needed situation.

You can read a letter to a small town blog (the letter written by my brother-in-law) here, and a brief article about the situation in the local daily paper here.

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