Saturday, September 24, 2005

Notice given.


That's a sigh of relief. Relief because I gave my notice at work. It's not a two week notice, as I could have given, but a three month notice (for a variety of reasons, including the very pedestrian idea of getting all that I can out of the company, such as holiday pay).

Still, it's a relief to know that the notice is given and time is soon up for that very small chapter of my life.


Anonymous said...

That's one thing I like about my current occupation. They (and I) know with exact certainty that come 01 December 2006, I'll be out the door.

Of course, I'm not able to give two weeks' notice. Such is the life of a contracted employee.

Lover of Words, Books, Games, Theatre, Film, Art said...

And what will you be doing December 2, 2006?

Too bad you're not available this Spring. MCA is staging the ballet Cinderella, and we could use a Prince! (I'm way too old and burly, but I will be stage managing!)

Anonymous said...

As of 02 December 2006 I hope to be already back at college. The Corps has a program where, subject to the approval of the first General in your chain of command, you can transition out of active service nintey days prior to the expiration of your contract for the purpose of attending university.

For me, that day is 03 September 2006. I am planning on starting the admissions process to a few colleges in the tri-state area, the leading candidates being UW-Madison, University of Iowa, and the U of M.

Getting approved for the "school cut" and accepted to one of these unis would put me nearing or just having completed finals for Fall semester of '06 on 02 December...