Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Random Album generator

A friend recently posted one of those silly "try this" posts on his Facebook account. It was three steps to generate an album (band name, album title, album photo). It goes like this:

1: Go to "Wikipedia." Hit “random... Read More”
or click
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2: Go to "Random quotations"
or click
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3: Go to Flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4: Use photoshop or similar to put it all together.

Because I had nothing better to do, I tried it, and although slightly disappointed with my band name, the results were rather uncanny. I feel as though my album already exists somewhere... probably in a bargain bin in an antique shop. My album is here..

Thursday, July 09, 2009


My cat, Ice, passed away sometime between midnight and 9am today. He was nearly 18 years old. We've known the end was coming, and when I checked on him at midnight I suspected he wouldn't last the night.

I am now cat-less, for the first time in about 22 years.

My son has had a dog in the house for about a year now, so it's unlikely we'll have another cat for some time.

I've only had three cats in the past 22 years. First, Mrs. Malaprop, an orange tabby given to me by a friend in Los Angeles who was moving and couldn't bring her along. Mrs. M was joined by Bug, a grey and white kitten who was a stray at my ankles and wouldn't go away. He was barely bigger than my fist and was wearing a flea coller so tight I was surprised he could breathe. No one claimed him, despite my posters trying to reunite him with whomever put the collar on him. He was covered in fleas and he was pesky to Mrs. M, hence the name, Bug.

When Mrs. M passed on, Bug was the only cat in the house for quite some time. But as I was planning to go on tour, I wanted the cat to have a playmate, so I adopted Ice (originally named Ice Cream) from a woman who rescued stray and abused cats. Ice was a mostly white with grey streaks cat.

I don't think Bug and Ice ever got along as well as I had hoped (ask me sometime about Ice's change when Bug died). Bug was put to sleep three or four years ago, so Ice had some time to be the dominant pet ... and he was dominant. He put the black-lab in his place more than once.

Goodbye, Ice. Goodbye cats.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I'm all a Twitter.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cool YouTube video.

I love this YouTube video...! (If you don't see the video below, click here:

Friday, May 15, 2009

Star Trek.

I have, of course, seen the new Star Trek movie. If you haven't, shame on you. If you have, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Overall, I quite enjoyed it. Surprisingly, my least favorite character was the Spock figure (new, not the old). Though I had been quite excited about Quinto playing the role as he appeared to be quite similar, naturally, he annoyed me the most. There seemed to be a petulance about him. Perhaps it's the small, tight, pursed lips. Perhaps it's the slightly whiny sound to his voice. Perhaps it's the actors very slight, but evident, speech impediment. Whatever it was, it didn't strike me as the cool, logical Spock that i grew up with ... and I missed it. All the other characters were different in their own way, but I liked them. McCoy and Scotty were particular favorites.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

How sweet it is!

I haven't posted here in awhile, but I decided it's time to get back into it.

I happened across a great website (I was directed there by the MinnPost on-line newspaper). The site is called"Sugar Stacks" and it actually shows you how many cubes of sugar are in your favorite snack foods. Check it out here:

Friday, January 16, 2009


I just read this release from NASA:

NASA Science News for January 15, 2009

A team of NASA and university scientists has discovered 'substantial plumes' of methane floating through the atmosphere of Mars. The discovery indicates Mars is either biologically or geologically active.

And I think it's actually quite funny that we know a planet is active because of the amount of farting happening there.