I've been busy as of late. I've been in discussions with the Great River Shakespeare Festival people about coming on board and doing some work with them. A big part of the hold up has been that I am not looking for full-time, long-term work. When they mentioned they were still looking for a stage manager I balked and said I really wasn't interested. Instead, it looks as though I will be acting as some sort of interim production manager for only a seven week period. Nothing is official yet, but as of our last phone conversation, that seems to be where things are headed.
Next week, Friday, the wife and kids and I head out to Southern California for a week+ vacation. I won't be blogging much at that time...I hope to not be near a computer for the entire week.
I've also recently been approached about potentially working on a Christmas project in Texas this coming holiday season. Christmas in Texas? I gave my standard reply of, "Of course I'm interested, and yes, I'm available at this time, let me know more when you know more."
In the meantime, I haven't been sleeping well lately. This is not usual for me. I love my sleep.
In part, it's because my youngest son has been waking up during the night and coming to me. I can get him back to sleep, but then either I am up for the rest of the night or sleeping fitfully. In fact, in the past five nights, I've had two "nightmares." Now, I don't usually remember my dreams at all, and can't tell you the last time I had a dream that I can recall, but suddenly, in less than a week, I've had two dreams which have left negative impressions on me. What's up?